Friday, September 7, 2012

Sovereign Beings

Wow, September already.  Time is really on warp speed. In numerology 9 denotes "completion".  We are  in the stage of completion now and as we move beyond it into the month of October the new energies coming into this planet become more in allowance for very different outcomes than ever before.  It is as if one door has closed and another is now open for us and we enter into a completely different space.  A space which, actually is unfamiliar to us, yet these energies are much more welcoming and loving than what we had experienced before.  We will soon forget what all that density and all the sludge we had to muddle through before was, for we are all being cleansed now of all that held us back in the past.  We no longer will be able to remember our "stories".  You know those stories, of who you thought you were and that had to be told over and over again to anyone who would care to listen.  These old stories will now just  begin to fade away as we no longer will have any interest in them because they won't stick to us anymore. 

The new energies of this transformational year of 2012 coming into the planet will now wash all that away.  If any of you have felt enormous amount of change in your lives, this is the reason why.  On the surface it may appear that all is in chaos, with so many changes taking place in our lives, and environment, but that is just the Universe's way of sweeping away of what no longer serves us and our planet to make room for what is more befitting for us.  Eventually there  is clarity.  Clarity of what is real.  A knowing of something that you've always known existed, but never could really make out what it was. 

Well all of that fogginess is now in the past.  You've all been enhanced into more evolved beings.  Sovereign beings unto yourselves.  Things that didn't quite make sense before but where never questioned are now coming to the forefront to be dealt with, for there is no more brushing it under the rug.  All that is not of the highest and best good for you is not of the light, and that will not suffice any longer.  We are all being held up to higher standards of integrity and truths, because we no longer will dishonor ourselves in that way.  

We are all beings of the light, whether you believe yet or not.  You will come to know yourselves, really know yourself in a much more profound way, that you will begin to question how  you never knew this about yourself.  How you ever allowed that to happen?  This is what all these energies are doing for us.  They are helping us to clear the clutter.  Clear away all that seemed real, but was really just a facade we were all playing.  You, me, we all played our roles exceptionally well, and for so long those roles served us, for we had incarnated with just that in mind.  To know ourselves more fully through our experiences. 

Well we have come full circle now and we have experienced so much more, and some would even say, much more than we bargained for.  But at last we are coming into this newness of wonder, a newness of more compassion, love and understanding for each other.  It may not be very apparent at first, but you will come to know that this is what we are doing.  This is our solemn quest and direction.  We all knew that this would one day come.  We were just so wrapped in our everyday and busy lives to even look up and take notice.  While some of us are just beginning to take notice, know that it is real.  It is very real, and what you had once only imagined and dreamed that could be real , is now a very possible reality. 

Soon you will know the truth of you because you will feel it first.  This is how you will know.  Where you once only allowed your selves to dare to dream your biggest dream, it is now very much possible.  The Universe knows this.  You, deep down know this.  You are all profoundly loved and cherished for there is nothing more precious than the light and soul that you are.  You will come to know respect.  You will truly come to know unconditional love and you will know your greatness.  All this and so much more knowing awaits you  because the veil is now lifting, and you will truly come to know yourselves and all of humanity as truly your brothers and sisters, and you will know in your hearts that we really are One.  For this is the promise that you made to yourselves before incarnating.  You will re-member all of which you truly cherish and all that is in your heart very soon.  For this is the truth of who you really are.  Love, love, love.         Namaste.