Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our Desires

Most notably in recent times we see ourselves in the midst of major global changes.  Although these changes appear to be unsettling, these changes are actually for the betterment of humanity, one of which you will soon come to understand.  With the many changes that are now taking place on the planet, you will soon be able to see and recognize your part in it.  Some of the underlying causes of these  changes up until now have been hidden from you for you were not yet ready to hear or see them, but now you are.  You are here in this moment at this time and place because you are part of the sweeping changes this nation and most importantly this planet are going through.  You are here because you sense and know that you are part of something very big and very special.  You are here because you are special and you seek Truth.  More and more truths are gradually being revealed to you because of your loving and caring nature for you and for your world. 

You may assume that you are alone in this world, but a better part of you knows the Truth that you were never alone and never will be.  You are more wonderful and powerful than your current senses have lead you to believe.  You are part of the grand master plan.  The plan that has been in existence for much longer than you have been here as a soul.  A soul unto yourself, yet part of a Universe so big that not even the most intelligent part of your senses cannot fathom.  You've asked and the Universe has listened and responds to you in a manner that your soul understands.  You are here deliberately to be more of who you are. 

The person that you think is you is only one tiny fraction of who you really are, for you are the Universe.  You are everything that the Universe encompasses in every aspect of itself.  You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to this world and you deserve to know that.  You have asked and the Universe has responded to you without you even knowing it.  Every time you speak,  think or share yourself with others, the Universe reflects back to you your unique perception of itself.  That is why it is of the upmost importance that you believe in you.  That you see yourself in the highest regard and that you love yourself completely. Not in an egoic kind of way, but in an unconditional love kind of way.  Once you can envision yourself  in a more positive and loving way, there is nothing that will stop you from you manifesting all your  dreams and wishes.  For you can only attract what you rightfully so deserve from a higher  vibrational frequency state of love. 

Love is the highest form of vibration that there is - anywhere.  Is it not true that when you are in love, everything is beautiful and seems to flow so harmoniously, and when you are angry, mad or just plain don't care, everything  just seems to not go your way.  Well the same goes for attracting into your Universe everything you desire for yourself.  Uplift yourself first and foremost, and in doing so, you not only attract more of your desires, you uplift the entire planet as well.  We are all affected by each other's moods and actions.  Just by walking  into a room and you will see a reaction from those around you by the mood you come in with.  Sometimes they don't even know why all of a sudden they themselves become moody, they just can feel and sense whatever mood you came in with.  We all like to test the waters for ourselves, so just notice all that comes into your life when you simply change your perspective.  Just  take notice.  The simple key is love - and whether you open the door is always up to you.  Namaste...